Google found a way to make Google Glass look much less dorky, would you buy this new design?
While just about everyone can agree on the overall practicality or vision of Google Glass and the way it could shape the future of wearables — augmented reality, hands-free use, etc. — there’s just no denying they are a terrible eyesore. Still very much in its early prototype phase, the Google Glass Explorer Edition has been described by critiques as something out of TV sci-fi. Obvious comparisons to La Forge’s VISOR from Star Trek or Vegeta’s Scouter have been made in addition to the man privacy concerns Google Glass has raised.
Now, we’ve seen some of Google’s early design patents before showing a much more fashionable design, but nothing like this. The latest patent to be uncovered from the USPTO (filed back in 2012 but granted last week) shows Google once again toying with a more practical design. This time around, they’ve completely removed the thick unsightly prism arm, tucking it behind the lens and arm of the glasses.
You can see there is still an arm, only it appears to be much flatter (and more Dragon Ball Z-ish), with a camera hole on the opposite side. This gives Google Glass a much more incognito look when paired with shades or prescription lenses but still doesn’t address how it would look a la carte.
With our mobile devices and even smartwatches doubling as fashion statements, it’s clear Google can’t simply skate by with making Google Glass functional, they have to make it pretty too. Even though this is only a design patent and in no way means anything is set in stone, it does provide us a brief look into the minds at Google and how they’re already looking to change Glass for the better. What do you guys think of this design?
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