Android L spotted being used on Nexus 4 by Googlers
Well, isn’t this interesting. It appears the Nexus 4 won’t be left behind when Android L makes its way to handsets later this year. A recent bug report entry in Google’s issue tracker mentions a Nexus 4 running a build of Android L. The entry doesn’t tell us much about anything — just that Google definitely is testing the update out on 2012′s flagship Nexus handset.
We weren’t worried that the Nexus 4 wouldn’t get the upgrade. It’s still a fairly recent smartphone with hardware powerful enough to champion any Android release down the line. With Google emphasizing better performance on entry level hardware we imagine the Nexus 4′s shelf life will be much higher than that of the Galaxy Nexus or Nexus S (especially considering some of the low cost Android One phones launching next month are already poised to receive the upgrades).
The only question yet to be answered is when Google is actually planning to release Android L. Many have their fingers crossed in hopes of an October debut, though we wouldn’t be surprised if it takes them a bit longer. In any case, there are only about three months left to go before the “later this year” deadline expires, so it shan’t be long.
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